Cosmetic Filling

When it comes to matching your tooth colour, composite is the filling material of choice. Resin and glass particles make up composite fillings. Because they can match your existing tooth colour and solidly adhere or glue to the tooth, they have become the most common filling materials.

A washing gel is administered after the decay in your tooth has been cleansed. The composite filler material is then applied, followed by a bonding solution. A high-intensity blue light is used to harden the composite. The materials simply take a few seconds to solidify.

After the composite has hardened and the tooth has been filled, the filling is evaluated for shape and appearance. Any required modifications are performed at this stage, and your filling is finished. There is no mercury in this of filling material.

Root Canal

Among all endodontic treatment techniques, root canal therapy is the most commonly performed. Root canal treatment is performed by a dentist or an endodontist to cure problems with a tooth’s fragile inner pulp.

When the nerve tissue inside the tooth degenerates, root canal therapy is required. Without root canal therapy, an infection in the tooth pulp can lead to an abscess, which can lead to jawbone injury. To save your tooth and keep the tissue around the base of the tooth healthy and free of inflammation, you’ll require a root canal.

Root Canal

Among all endodontic treatment techniques, root canal therapy is the most commonly performed. Root canal treatment is performed by a dentist or an endodontist to cure problems with a tooth’s fragile inner pulp.

When the nerve tissue inside the tooth degenerates, root canal therapy is required. Without root canal therapy, an infection in the tooth pulp can lead to an abscess, which can lead to jawbone injury. To save your tooth and keep the tissue around the base of the tooth healthy and free of inflammation, you’ll require a root canal.

Cosmetic Bridges

Aside from the aesthetic benefit, replacing missing teeth will restore your ability to chew and talk properly. You can get amazing results with bridges.

The bridge treatment usually complete in two or more visits. The supporting teeth, which are usually the ones on either side of the missing tooth, are prepared during your initial visit. This is done to allow space for the crowns to glide over the supporting teeth. The pontic, which replaces the missing tooth, is held in place by these crowns.

After that, an impression of the supporting teeth is taken so that the bridge may be custom fitted and made at a dental laboratory. A temporary dental bridge is placed to cover both the supporting teeth and the gap between them during the making of the final bridge. Once you are happy with the results we can glue the bridge to fill the gaps.


If there are no or some teeth present, we have options of making partial or complete dentures. The dentist will first take an accurate impression of your mouth’s upper and lower arches, we use our 3D scanner sometimes to scan your arches. After that, the impression/scan is submitted to a dental laboratory.

At your next appointment, the dentist will take note of the arch relationship and final impressions/scan that most closely reflects your natural bite and assist you in choosing the form and colour of your denture teeth and gums. Keeping in mind that everyone’s gums have different colours. The dentist will assist you in selecting the shade that best suits your mouth in order to create a more natural smile.

The dentist will modify your bite, test your speech, and inspect the appearance and performance of your denture teeth and gums during following sessions. The denture is then returned to the laboratory for production when a suitable fit and appearance has been obtained.


If there are no or some teeth present, we have options of making partial or complete dentures. The dentist will first take an accurate impression of your mouth’s upper and lower arches, we use our 3D scanner sometimes to scan your arches. After that, the impression/scan is submitted to a dental laboratory.

At your next appointment, the dentist will take note of the arch relationship and final impressions/scan that most closely reflects your natural bite and assist you in choosing the form and colour of your denture teeth and gums. Keeping in mind that everyone’s gums have different colours. The dentist will assist you in selecting the shade that best suits your mouth in order to create a more natural smile.

The dentist will modify your bite, test your speech, and inspect the appearance and performance of your denture teeth and gums during following sessions. The denture is then returned to the laboratory for production when a suitable fit and appearance has been obtained.

Teeth Cleaning/Polishing

The removal of dental plaque (a soft, sticky, bacteria-infested coating) and tartar (calculus) from the teeth is known as dental cleaning. Cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease can all be avoided with regular dental cleanings. Severe gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. Cleaning and polishing the teeth leaves the surfaces clean and smooth, preventing bacteria from adhering to them.

Gum treatment

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with gum disease. Gum disease can be reversed if identified early on by your dentist. To begin, the dentist will scale the teeth to eliminate plaque and calculus and smooth the roots. Antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctor to treat any infection or irritation. In more severe situations, your dentist may need to surgically trim the gums, disinfect the tissue, remove hardened plaque build-up, and re-contour the damaged bone. The procedure can easily be done under local anaesthetic or using latest technology of Dental Lasers.

Gum treatment

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with gum disease. Gum disease can be reversed if identified early on by your dentist. To begin, the dentist will scale the teeth to eliminate plaque and calculus and smooth the roots. Antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctor to treat any infection or irritation. In more severe situations, your dentist may need to surgically trim the gums, disinfect the tissue, remove hardened plaque build-up, and re-contour the damaged bone. The procedure can easily be done under local anaesthetic or using latest technology of Dental Lasers.